Goalkeeper Game Related Movement
About Tony Elliott:
Tony Elliott is the lead Goalkeeping Coach at Birmingham City Women’s Football Club of the FA WSL. Tony Elliott’s first publication, penned and narrated by Adam Woodage, has developed an exceptional reputation within the coaching world for its treatment of the ‘humanistic’ side of the game, filtered through a context of goalkeeping experiences and learnings from a multitude of different formats. It has become a necessary resource for the modern goalkeeper coach and many coaches period in understanding the mentality of playing the position in the modern game. It is a pleasure to be allowed by Tony to post some of his work here. Tony can be contacted on LinkedIn at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tony-elliott-15151146/?originalSubdomain=uk
For more lessons from Tony, please visit his online course page: https://www.goalkeepingintelligence.com/course?courseid=tony-elliott-a-modern-approach-to-goalkeeping and check out his book:

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