Tactical Analysis: Wayne Rooney’s Derby County
Photo by Robin jones courtesy of ESPN: https://www.espn.com/soccer/english-league-championship/story/4541763/wayne-rooney-keeping-derby-county-up-would-be-biggest-achievement-in-football-amid-lawsuits-and-debts Excerpts of the following article Tactical Analysis: Wayne Rooney's Derby County by Brad Jones (@bradjonessport) from February 9, 2022: https://breakingthelines.com/tactical-analysis/tactical-analysis-wayne-rooneys-derby-county/. Many of you will remember a time in the not-so-distant past when Derby County was a club, to the point of social media ridicule, referred to as Frank Lampard’s Derby County in wider football circles, and that mantle of a high-profile ex-player in management was soon passed over to Wayne Rooney...