OUA To Review Policies Following Recent U SPORTS AFA Update
Courtesy of the oua.ca: https://www.oua.ca/general/2023-24/releases/oua_to_review_policies_following_u_sports_afa_update After the following post is from oua.ca on October 3, 2023, their plan to review of their policies following the recent U Sports AFA update with respect to athletic financial awards and have guidelines in place by 2024-25. The OUA will review policies following recent U SPORTS AFA update https://www.oua.ca/general/2023-24/releases/oua_to_review_policies_following_u_sports_afa_update. "As a result of the recent U SPORTS announcement surrounding policy changes to Athletic Scholarships (AFA) and Eligibility, Ontario University Athletics (OUA) will be reviewing...